On 29 Sep 2019 08:14:12 GMT, Stephen Cole
you see them for the naked distractions and lies they clearly are? If the
latter, why do you persist in supporting these charlatans?
Do you have a question for non-Tory voters? Or do you assume they
all think
as you do?
I’m interested in the reaction of Tory voters to the “pledges” being made
by the Tory leader. HTH.
It is beyond belief.
I can only assume that as it works for Trump it will work for Boris,
and as with anything if you saturate the media with lies and
misinformation people become blinded. It only then needs someone to
point out the blatantly obvious such as Corbyn having to raise taxes
to start the howls of ridicule and hate.
Corbyn or Johnson, it makes no difference, taxes will have to be
raised to pay for Tory incompetence. Raised by a fair bit too, and
with business crippled by Brexit, the future is somewhat dire under
all projections.
Never mind, Javid and Boris are in a good frame of mind, it's givaway
time :-)
What has been quite reassuring is how the Boris groping a journalist and
Arcruri allegations have led the news cycle for the last few days. It goes
to show that BoJo and Dom don’t have anywhere near the level of control
that they wish they had, which is going to cause them big problems given
the fanny-crazed Johnson’s sordid personal life (nobody actually knows how
many children he’s spawned). If there’s one thing that the British tabloids
can’t resist it’s a good old-fashioned political sex scandal, and it looks
like they’re starting to dig their teeth into the shambling sack of cum
that currently occupies Number 10.