Post by FredxxxPost by Andy WainwrightPost by FredxxxPost by Andy WainwrightPost by FredxxxPost by Andy WainwrightPost by FredxxxPost by Andy Wainwright"Scientists" can say black people are less intelligent, and whilst it's
controversial and non-PC, they can still keep their jobs and not face
legal sanctions.
Because the statement can be backed up by real studies.
Post by Andy WainwrightYet for some reason I can't say "white supremecists like David Duke and
Nick Griffin are paedophiles"
Because you cannot provide any evidence that they are.
Post by Andy WainwrightOK, I've got no genuine proof for the latter, but I see no genuine proof
for the former. Let's face it, if those cunts can publish defamatory
made up shit about others, why can't I?
You might not have proof, but there are enough institutions that do.
Post by Andy WainwrightFree speech? Only if you don't threaten the establishment, which ain't
half as liberal and generally nice as made out.
Food for thought?
No, not at all. There is only Free Speech when you can back what you say
with evidence, or when what you say doesn't pose a danger (such as
shouting "fire" in a theatre), or incite violence, or even incite racial
Whatever point you were trying to make, you have utterly failed.
So why have you reached that conclusion? Talked to real people? Gone
visted? No. You've just listened to what other retards have said. Some
intellect that is!
A lot of Nazis have an issue with what consenting adults get up to in
private. As soon as I hear that alarm bells ring- no angel. Because
properly adjusted grown ups really don't give a shit.
I've not got a great deal of African in me, but I've talked extensively
to Africans, and they're brothers to me- all decent men are. By
contrast, the racists I meet have because of their abusive conditioning
been unable to form proper relationships and just put on a show to
impress the peers that are worthless toe-rags but have a bit of cash.
Grow up. If you want paranoid conspiracy, at least listen to Alex Jones
or David Icke who've got something going for them not just sucking the
cock of whoever pays them. Nuff said.
What has that diatribe got to do with Blacks having lower IQs or a
retard's desire to make libellous statements about people they don't like?
Who invented IQ? Why is that a more valid theory than Nazis being
nonces-I don't see it.
Obviously not.
If you can't understand what scientists mean by saying blacks are less
intelligent by a measurable standard, then why start this thread?
Why obfuscate this lack of knowledge with the mention of Nazis and nonces?
Well who made those scientists "scientists"? Why are they right and me
wrong? There's fuck all as far as I see "intellectual" about making up a
theory by colonials to vindicate their rape and pillage.
Why do you believe them not me? I have nothing to gain from my theory,
they have a lot to gain.
Many scientists gain very little from their research. Others who are
less intellectual try and use misinformation for political gain.
Post by Andy WainwrightObviously you prefer money to intellect. Shame, a lot do, And with money
you can buy all sorts of "qualifications".
You prefer money?
I blame the government who brought in tuition fees?
Are you the sort to get suckered in by emails promising qualification in
return for money?
It's quite clear that you have no idea how much work there is in
obtaining something like a university qualification.
Are you jealous of those that do?
A lot call me a communist which is wrong,I am against repression be it
left, right, Islamic, Christian whatever.
So I'll say let any cunt call themselves a doctor or professor- if
there's any truth in what they claim to teach, well, it's consumer
choice. What works, pays. Not socialism, but the opposite, free market,
which we are lied to that exists when it's glorified feudalism.
Problem I see with academia is it's pigeon-holed by someone else's
definition. Why not music and maths for example, seems logical to me
having studied both? Technology and philosophy? Again logical to me.
I see these "race scientists" as robot drones who repeat what they've
been told. Taking orders and copying is the diametric opposite of
intelligence- a fucking tape recorder can do that. If you're gonna take
orders, take them at least from a God rather than a human being who's no
better than you- at least, you'll probably learn more.
Specialisation which acedemia is about is for insects, do you want to be
an insect?