Lawrence Jenkins
2008-10-04 16:02:25 UTC
Ohio woman, 90, attempts suicide after foreclosure
Ron Grow up for fuck sake. That's all to do with the fragility of the
capitalist system , but be a clever lefty and show me something better.
In this country socialist labour Britain ruled by Scots we just kill our
elderly in piss stained hospital ignored by staff in run down shiteholes
We also put them in prison for not paying their ridiculously high council
tax bill which most of it goes to pay for drug addicts , single parent
families and in Lewisham's case a poet. Let's not also forget the ones that
have worked hard all their lives by a home to give their kids a boost now
only in England of course ; have to sell them to pay for their care.
One of our contractors was telling me that when he has to dispose of say a
washing .machine or a cooker the local authority tip there was a £40 charge
yet just down the road in the private sector they give him ten quid for the
scrap, yeah local authorities ripping off those that work to subsidize those
that don't and meanwhile we starve our
r elderly to pay for our socialist leaders guilt hand outs.
Of course Ron if we looked at the only models of true socialism say the Old
USSR why there whole families committed suicide to escape being rerouted to
labour camps.
You lefts are so fucking distorted -that's why you need to be challenged for
all the bollocks you talk.
Soviet Union, China, North Korea, Cuba lands of the free.