Silly old fool.
(too old to reply)
Mel Rowing
2014-05-06 19:11:25 UTC
"Mr Cable said: "We see the future of the UK as a knowledge economy, not
as a tax haven. Our focus is on what is best for the UK - securing great
British science, research and manufacturing jobs and decision-making in
the life sciences sector."

He added the government was committed to "ensuring the UK remained at
the forefront of life sciences, research and development".

The government may consider using its public interest test powers and
could even expand them, the Business Secretary said.

"This would be a serious step and not one that should be taken lightly.
I am open-minded about it, but should stress that we are operating
within serious European legal constraints," he said.

Well we all know how we fail about that last sentence.

That's going to bring 'em running isn't it?

Bring us your best and most exciting enterprises and we will suck them
dry. Does it not occur to this silly little man that both commerce and
talent are equally portable in this global economy?
Mel Rowing
2014-05-06 21:17:25 UTC
"Mr Cable said: "We see the future of the UK as a knowledge economy, not
as a tax haven. Our focus is on what is best for the UK - securing great
British science, research and manufacturing jobs and decision-making in
the life sciences sector."

He added the government was committed to "ensuring the UK remained at
the forefront of life sciences, research and development".

The government may consider using its public interest test powers and
could even expand them, the Business Secretary said.

"This would be a serious step and not one that should be taken lightly.
I am open-minded about it, but should stress that we are operating
within serious European legal constraints," he said.

Well we all know how we fail about that last sentence.

That's going to bring 'em running isn't it?

Bring us your best and most exciting enterprises and we will suck them
dry. Does it not occur to this silly little man that both commerce and
talent are equally portable in this global economy?
